Over a lavish dinner at Montfort's Oakville location that included Calamari, Coconut Shrimp & Mediterraian Chicken Salad, she asked me the question, as in, 'how should I answer him?'
As the reigning King of Deflection, I answered to her, "Jump infront of a speeding bus".
Dude responded, "Good to know you have a sense of humour".
I say that to say this:
Paula Patton is damn near perfect, & has been with Robin Thicke for quite some time. After hearing about his performance & finally seeing footage of his "dance moves" at the Alicia Keys concert, it makes me wonder.
How in the EFF did he bag this chick?

Well for starters, I would not prance about stage night in, night out, all over North America, like a flaming sodomite.
The End.
Well, he treats her like a queen instead of behaving like a buffoon such as yourself. So maybe you should log off and gain some class then maybe a woman may want you. Because it is obviously you are a lonely fool lusting after a woman who wouldn't want you if you were the last piece of ish on earth. And trust, Robin's moves are sensual and only a hating man who ain't getting any would consider it gay. But again, closet men always find others gay instead of accepting they are pillow biters themselves.
Awww. Jealous much. You are definitely envious and bitter as hell. Don't hate the playa, hate the game. Who cares if the man can't dance, Paula can't either.
Trust, a man who has been there since day one is 10x better than a man who only sees a woman he wants to fuck. He sees his world and you see a conquest.
That is the #1 reason she chose to marry and build a life with him and bore his child. So maybe you need to start seeing beyond the superficial and realize that people are more than your impression.
That man is cool as fuck which negates his white boy ways. So stop acting like you are some God's gift because if you were you would have a woman and not this dumb ass post on the internet.
Say what you want, he ain't posting pathetic blogs, only lonely, ain't getting any niggas do that. He has Paula Patton sprung, Halle Berry & Beyonce as his biggest fans, and black women loving him and you got this blog. Who really winning?
I mean if I was pathetic I would diss a man who has a woman like that too. So I can't hate that you are being true to yourself. Pathetic do as pathetic does so keep doing you.
it's like the feminist society took over this site!
def women's comments above, staying anonymous and shit. and to keep it real, yall sound like the bitter ones styll
whatever yo, freedom of speech. Preach on ladies!
WHOA!!! LOL... SO "ANONYMOUS" totally missed the point that he is dancing like a flaming sodomite.im not a hater i love Robin Thicke but grl have u seen that performance...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omosErhyGMI... take a look and tell me now that our blogger didnt have a valid reason for his statement? from the sounds of your comments u really sound like the pathetic fool that doesnt get laid and probably is sitting there hating on the blogger...im just saying!!! cause ur comment really sounds like a personal jab at our favorite blogger more than trying to defend "MR THICKE" ... HIS SONGS ARE SENSUAL /HIS PERFORMANCE ON LETTERMAN DEFINITELY GAY... IM JUST SAYING..... AND AS FOR THE COMMENT ABOUT( UR DUMB ASS POST) THAT DUMB ASS POST HAS UR PANTIES ALL IN A BUNCH ...LMAO !!!
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