The Mark of the Beast.
It’s written in the
Bible. I remember old folks talking about how it is those “damn tattoos” the young bucks would scribble all over they bodies like they couldn’t find a piece of paper, canvas or colouring book to draw in. In the Caribbean, people get/got vaccinated and it leaves a mark on your shoulder… I heard that’s the Mark of the Beast.
He also forced everyone, small and great,
rich and poor, free and slave,
to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead."
Revelation 13:16To me, the following is a more accurate
Mark of the Beast.
SARS. H1N1 Swine Flu. Hepatitis. Bird Flu. Tami Flu.
These require vaccines, no?
Over a decade ago new low cost techniques were used to design & manufacture nano-microchips.
What are nano-microchips?
Anything to do with Nanotechnology deals with structures smaller than one micrometer (1/30th the width of human hair).
Think about this, peasants… A Japanese company,
Hitachi (They make vivid my TV viewings of
“Heroes” in my living room @ home)
stated their ability to make the world’s thinnest & smallest microchip for tracking purposes, apparently as small as a speck of dust. These chips which are approx 100,000 times smaller than the width of a hair follicle. Think about it. Hitachi claims to be able to use these chips in pieces of paper to track down documents!

Stated by Ingenieur (Dutch for Engineer)
Helmut Pilhar said the following:
It started with the AIDS lie, then followed the BSE(bovine spongiform encephalopathy) lie. After the 9/11 lie followed the Anthrax lie. Then it was the Bird Flu lie, now it is the Swine Flu lie. Next year we’ll have the Mice Flu lie. It all points to the “Endloesung”, the final solution. When everybody has a chip then that will constitute the complete slavery, then everybody can be manipulated and assassinated arbitrarily."
How do vaccines tie into this? All these different diseases are a instrument to get the population to flock to their doctor’s offices in drones to receive a “shot” of sorts. I’m not saying that some of these shots aren’t necessary, however what I am saying is that the pandemic-like-buzz the government regulated media portrays to us is exagerrated to say the absolute least.
For more proof, see
The Corner Report.
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