It's like that first day back to our regularly scheduled programming smacks me with a little dose of reality, makes me put things in perspective.
I have breezed through the holidays with reckless abandon & here I am, back at the office wondering where the time went. Between securing deadlines & making new deals for 2010 with some excellent partners, it makes me analyze where am I now, & where am I going. More importantly as of late, who is coming with.
"Ex Sendin Latenight Txts Cause She Don't Know How To Let Go,Go,Go..."
Yesterday I went to Scarborough to a music studio w/ 1 of my homegirls, all in the name of checking out this new producer she may work with. She's an amazing chick & is damn near the female equivalent of me, therefore she's the sh*t. More importantly, I actually respect her mind more than her curves. She's synonymous with Pigs that Fly, Rare. Regardless, dude wants her to be a part of his label, make music & such. After the less than exhilerating pitch, on the way back, her & I got to talking, when the topic of "us" came up, as it normally does.
I dont mind talking about "us". I def dont mind kicking it with her. Should I mind that she has a man? Should I not worry myself with her attachments & do what I'd like? I thought about it after I left, because I've initiated actions that disrespect her situation.
I'm torn.
"My girl got a girlfriend..."
I've known this one girl for years, over a decade, however we've failed miserably at staying in touch. She's a respectable chick, pretty, has gotten it in previously w/ ZiggaZagga. I bump into her now & again, sometimes shes working the event, sometimes she's a patron. She's got a friend that I met virally, & only met in person within the last few months. She's a very dope chick too; straight up, no holds barred. Sometimes its a bit much to handle, but I manage. One has the immediate draw & attraction inside & out, but I dont know much about her anymore. The other I spend more time with & could grow to appreciate, she's a good woman, & is well rounded. Decisions...

My homegirl from LA, just moved to NY, & she's on my ass about my female companions. This is what made me consider it in a serious fashion. Her being a chick from my past, (circa '97) she knows me, & is steady tryna find out who I'm with to get a better understanding of who I am today, as she says my surroundings should accurately reflect my being, who I am.
Do I not know myself because I don't know who I am with?
As my mind spray, I'm torn...still.
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