So those of you who know me, know I got a thing for
Kicks & Wristpieces. Those 2 types of items amongst others would def make my wishlist.
You know...the wishlist I've made every year since I was 4 that never even remotely came into fruitition? Yea that one...sigh.
Being the month of December now, with snow politely creeping its way into our weather forecasts, I'm starting to feel the Christmas spirit, or I'm just feeling the December shopping bug that licks me every year.
Utilizing this page,
my Viral Soapbox, I intend to sporadically post items that I would want on my wish list, coupled with a place to purchase them (*hint*hint*).
Without further adieu, here is item #1,
The Vaider, made by
Supra. Shown below is the Black Gunny TUF *
my fav*, Black Grey Blue Leather, Black Red Suede and classic Black Suede (not pictured).

Available in Toronto at:
So Hip it HurtsTel:(416)971-6901
ADRIFT Tel:(416)515-0550